Prizma Engineering

Prizma Engineering was founded in 2002 and provides project, engineering and consultancy services in civil engineering. Our company continues to improve itself with the most advanced project construction techniques and management understanding of our era. Our goal is to be the one of the most important companies that provide engineering and consultancy services in the international arena and to be a company that renews itself, does not compromise on technique and quality. Prizma has taken its deserved place in the engineering world with the completed projects. We continue to grow and improve. For this purpose, Prizma Engineering has successfully completed the projects it has undertaken in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iraq and Afghanistan and delivered it to its employers.

High-Rise Buildings
Industrial Buildings
Retrofitting of Buildings and Bridges/Viaducts
Rail System Route and Engineering Structures
Port Structures

Treatment Systems
Drilling - Cut and Cover Tunnel
Geotechnical Study and Survey Highway and Highway Projects
Steel-Reinforced Concrete Industrial Buildings
Manufacturing and Installation of Steel-Reinforced Concrete Bridges-Viaducts


• Müşterılerımızın Ihtıyaçlarının Tam Olarak Karşılayacak, Teknık Ve Mühendıslık Olarak Belırlenmesı Ve Gıderılmesınde Fayda Sağlamak,

• Bırlıkte Çalıştığımız Tedarıkçı Fırmalarla Karşılıklı Güvene Dayalı Çalışmalar Yapmak,

• Sektör De Kalıtelı Ve Marka Olarak Aranan Fırma Olmak,

• Çalışanlarımızla Tam Bır Uyum Ile Daha Iyı Projeler Gerçekleştırmek,

• Gelışen Teknololjı Ve Zamanla Süreklı Iyıleştırme, Çevresel Faktörle Ve Yasal Hususlara Uyumlu Olmayı Kalıte Polıtıkası Olarak Belırlemış Ve Benımsemıştır.



